The tactile image is a knowledge medium capable of making all forms of 2D representations accessible in a non-visual way.
Thanks to the support of the Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale Foundation, the VISIO Foundation has embarked on a world first: making photographic art accessible to the visually impaired through the AMAZÔNIA TOUCH tactile audio case. Their support allowed the production of 550 copies of this case which includes 18 photos and 3 geographic maps transcribed in 21 boards in relief. These guides, which can be consulted on this site, have been designed to explain each photo, accompaning the fingers in their tactile discovery and reading of the work.
Thus, the use of the tactile image allows blind and visually impaired readers to acquire a graphic culture with which they are able to have access to artistic works and architectural heritage masterpieces.
The AMAZÔNIA TOUCH tactile cases will allow the establishment of tactile reading learning workshops for blind or visually impaired people, teachers and professionals specialized in the accompaniment of people with visual disabilities.
These workshops will be led by Hoëlle CORVEST, an expert in the field of tactile images for over 30 years.
For more information, contact us at +31 (0)2 41 68 15 18.
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