Discover the Foundation
Recognized as a non-profit organization, the VISIO Foundation fights against serious eye diseases, acts for cultural inclusion, supports research for the health and well-being of dogs, and develops new technologies to help and assist the daily life of blind and visually impaired people, such as the production of the Tom Pouce® electronic white cane.

Its areas of action are:
- Ophthalmological and ophthalmo-paediatric research,
- Cultural accessibility within four sections: “Cinema”, “Children’s Literature”, “Art and Exhibitions” and « Performing arts »,
- Veterinary research dedicated to guide dogs and service dogs,
- Digital and technological research to facilitate social and professional integration.

Cultural Accessibility Division
Visually impaired people should have the same access to diverse spheres of social life. However, they are still cut off from cultural life on a regular basis. That is the main reason why our Cultural Accessibility division intervenes to ensure works of art and artistic creations such as paintings, photographs, sculptures, cinema productions, theatre plays, and highly illustrated books for young children are accessible to them.

Support our actions
The VISIO Foundation works in close collaboration with artists and authors as well as with a network of experts and professionals specialized in accessibility techniques: audio description, relief boards, tactile supports, Braille guides, etc.
It is by bringing together the best talents that we make things happen.
Supporting the VISIO Foundation means:
- Commitment to concrete and tangible results,
- Transform your tax into solidarity action,
- Benefit from tax advantages.